Aesthetic/Cosmetic Dermatology

Aesthetic/Cosmetic Dermatology

Our cosmetic services help improve and maintain your skins health and beauty. Under the direction of our Dermatologist, Dr. Noreen Galaria, who has a Laser and Cosmetic fellowship, our trained medical professionals offer some of the latest, most advanced skin treatments available today. Let us help you develop a skin rejuvenation plan that will give you the healthy, radiant skin you desire.



Chemical peels which remove damaged outer layers of skin on the face to smooth texture, reduce scarring, and remove blemishes to produce healthy, glowing skin are also done at our practice. There are three types of chemical peels, ranging from mild to strong – Alphahydroxy acids (AHAs), Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and Phenol – and formula strengths are tailored to each patient. Peels can be combined with other procedures such as facelifts for a younger look.

In an AHA peel, the skin is cleaned and the solution applied; there is no need for “after-peel” ointment or covering. During TCA and phenol peels, the skin is cleansed and the solution is applied, which may cause a brief stinging sensation. Petroleum jelly or a waterproof adhesive tape may be put on the skin following a phenol treatment.

AHA peels can cause temporary stinging, redness, irritation and flaking or crusting. Phenol and TCA peels can result in tingling or throbbing, reddened skin, a crust or scab, and significant swelling which lasts about a week, depending on the strength of the peel used. With phenol, your eyes may even be swollen shut at first and you may be put on a liquid diet and advised not to talk very much. Any tape used is removed after a day or two. All procedures require adequate sun protection for your new skin.

We use a variety of peeling agents in different strengths at GPSD. Our staff will help you determine which peel would be best for your skin type. Some of the most popular ones include Glytone, Perfect 10 Peel and the Salicyclic Acid peels.





Dr. Noreen Galaria is fellowship trained in Lasers and Cosmetic Surgery. GPSD providers can assist you with your laser needs. Laser hair removal, our most popular laser procedure, can permanently reduce unwanted body and facial hair. Our hair removal specialists and providers, who have over 15 years of laser experience, discuss with each patient their cosmetic skin treatment goals before determining a hair removal plan. We offer hair removal treatments for many areas, including the upper lip, chin, earlobes, shoulders, back, underarms, abdomen, buttocks, bikini area, legs, face, neck, chest, arms, hands, and toes. Hair removal can safely be done with our 755nm laser on lighter skin and with our 1064nm laser on darker skin types.

We can also perform laser photo facials, laser resurfacing and eliminate unwanted brown and red spots. Call our esthetician for a consultation today.

BOTOX® Cosmetic

BOTOX® Cosmetic is commonly used to reduce or eliminate the appearance of facial wrinkles. It is injected under the skin into areas surrounding the eyes, forehead, and mouth to smooth crow’s feet, frown and worry lines, and lines on the neck. Made from a purified protein, BOTOX® relaxes wrinkles and gives the face a rejuvenated look. BOTOX® may also be useful for migraine headaches, excessive sweating, and eye and neck muscle spasms.


Microdermabrasion improves mild to moderate sun damage, scarring, wrinkles and other superficial skin problems. A gentle stream of tiny particles exfoliates the outer layer of skin and provides a fresh, glowing, younger appearance. Only a small amount of skin is removed, so sensitive areas such as the face, chest, neck, arms, and hands can be treated. Results are comparable to a light chemical peel and should be immediately visible. Microdermabrasion is often performed in conjunction with other skin renewal procedures, such as laser treatment and chemical peels. Multiple treatments are recommended for full effect.


We perform microneedling using only sterile, disposable needles for optimal patient safety and comfort. Creating small, micro-skin channels we stimulate the skin’s natural ability to heal itself and increase the production of new collagen. This treatment is similar to laser treatments, but without the severe side effects or the long recovery time. You can expect rejuvenation, wrinkle reduction and lightening of sun spots with this treatment.